Saturday, September 28, 2013

Better Hair Care from Hair Loss

By Julie Stepe

You feel better with better hair. Hair loss is a huge worry with today's society for many people. Losing hair is a very natural and can happen on a weekly basis. Don't be to concerned if you lose a little bit of hair since you will just grow it back soon. There are very different hair loss reasons for both men and women. The main are hormone changes, natural changes and increased stress. You can also lose hair by genetics, age or family history. There are also some drugs on the market that cause hair loss which are suppose to aid in other remedies.

100 strokes of brush will make hair healthy: Brush is only used for styling. Brushing your hair again and again will weaken as it pulls hair strands from their follicles. Blow drying hair can cause hair loss: If you blow dry your hair without subjecting your scalp and hair to too much heat, then it won't damage your hair. Blow drying smoothly and quickly with few movements won't hurt your hair at all.

While the whole group of vitamin B is essential for hair growth, given below are some of the functions of important individual vitamins. Vitamin B2 is also called riboflavin, is connected to growth and cell respiration, and is a catalyst for B6.B6 also known as pyridoxine, its deficiency causes stress and depression therefore undermines hair growth. B5 prevents hair loss and promotes hair growth. B3 improves healthy blood circulation to scalp. The nutrient sources are liver, kidney, yeast and whole grain.

Additionally, there are home hair care remedies that might be successful in moisturizing the scalp, and therefore stopping the flaking that causes dandruff. Some dandruff sufferers have found that a mixture of lemon juice and peanut oil can help to both lift away dry skin and moisturize the scalp. This simple home remedy will aid in the process of combating dandruff, and is quite affordable. Finally, the most overlooked remedy of all is avoiding excessive scalp itching: scratching at the skin will only make the problem worse. Through these simple techniques, anyone can easily begin to reduce their dandruff problem.

Switching shampoo brands can make hair healthy: Most of the shampoos have almost the same ingredients therefore changing them won't make any difference. Every hair type requires a different shampoo. Choosing the right shampoo according to your hair type is what makes it healthy. Excessive shampoo use will make hair cleaner: Excessive use of shampoo can actually damage your hair. It is better to use a small amount of shampoo just to make a good leather to wash your hair.

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